Morrison Express Corporation (MEC) is named after the highest point on Taiwan - Morrison Peak of the Jade Mountain Range. Today, Morrison Express is one of the leading Asia-based global freight forwarding and logistics service providers. Over the past three decades, we have grown to over 60 branches and joint venture offices worldwide with more than 1,200 people throughout Asia, the United States, Central America and South America, Europe and Australia. Additionally, we have established a comprehensive network of over 100 agent partners worldwide. By sea or by air, from customs brokerage to live on-line tracking, we have the power to move and the passion to deliver.主要从事进出口货物的海、陆、空、快件等国际货物运输代理及仓储、保税、报关等相关业务,办理和提供揽货、制单、订舱、报检、报验、集卡、散货、拼箱、国内运输、中转、仓储、保税、签单等一条龙服务。公司本部设在安徽省合肥市,下设有业务一、二部,海运出口、海运进口部,海运集装箱部和多式联运部,展品运输部等业务部门,在合肥海关、芜湖海关设立了报关行,在安徽省检验检疫局设立了报检行, 在合肥骆岗机场设立了骆岗分公司, 并在上海、芜湖、铜陵等口岸设立了分公司,在蚌埠、芜湖出口加工区设立了办事处等分支机构。而且在美加、香港、日本等地拥有自己的代理网络,可以及时地为客户提供目的港清关及门到门服务。
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