2016/12/26 | 分类:货代报关
Fixed Price
Neptune international movers will provide a competitive fixed price, no hidden charges or additional fees, including all expenses. Integrity is the first rule of our business, worth your trust.
Your Satisfaction: Our Quest For Perfection
Neptune international movers will provide a competitive fixed price, no hidden charges or additional fees, including all expenses. Integrity is the first rule of our business, worth your trust.
Your Satisfaction: Our Quest For Perfection
(1)Import bonded logistics
Basic mode:Foreign imported cargos are transferred to the logistics warehouse in West Coast Export Processing Zone from the port and enjoy bonded warehousing. As the domestic consignee needs to pick up the cargos, he pays import duty and transacts custom clearance procedure, and then the bonded logistics center delivers cargos to the consignee.
Basic mode:Foreign imported cargos are transferred to the logistics warehouse in West Coast Export Processing Zone from the port and enjoy bonded warehousing. As the domestic consignee needs to pick up the cargos, he pays import duty and transacts custom clearance procedure, and then the bonded logistics center delivers cargos to the consignee.
2016/12/18 | 分类:海运空运
塑料制造及研发:公司在上海、深圳拥有瑞士、德国、日本生产技术和设备的改性塑料生产基地;并与国内外一流的塑料研究所有着广泛的合作。目前新长城"NEW.GW"品牌的MPPO、PC、PC/ABS、改性PC、改性PBT、改性PET、改性PA6、改性PA66、改性POM等改性工程塑料的各项性能指标均已达到行业先进水平,可以满足国内外高端客户的需求。 散杂货业务:着眼于该项市场的发展趋势,散货部特别的发展计划并相应稳步发展。目前已于国际上知名的一部分船东及租家达成了长期的稳定合作。另外针对一些大宗的项目货物,已经开始尝试租赁船舶,独立经营。公司在国内特别是北方主要港口都有专门的分支机构或地面代理,营口、新港、曹妃甸、龙口、莱州、烟台、青岛、日照、连云港、上海等都有稳定的散杂货业务,且客户的口碑很好。出口方向目前涉及:日韩、东南亚、印度、中东、南非、西非、北美西、北美东以及南美东的部分基本港口。公司凭借专业的散货团队,秉承认真负责的精神,以无微不至的态度在询盘、订...
• EK—DXB中东/非洲(固定板位)
• TG—欧洲线(固定板位)
• NZ—LHR(固定板位)
• AF—CDG 欧/非洲线(固定板位)
• UPS—SIN 覆盖欧美洲(固定包量)