
2016/4/12   |  分类:美丽舟海运
莫伊尔(Moyle)中文名称 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 英文名称 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 简 称 联合王国(United Kingdom) 所属洲 欧洲 首 都伦敦 主要城市曼彻斯特,利物浦,伯明翰,爱丁堡,格拉斯哥,贝尔法斯特等 国庆日6月11日 国 歌 《天佑女王》 国家代码 GBR 官方语言英语 货 币英镑 时 区 UTC+0(夏时制:UTC+1) 政治体制 议会制君主立宪制 国家领袖 女王:伊丽莎白二世、首相:戴维·卡梅伦 人口数量 64,447,000人(2014年年中) 人口密度 255.6人/平方千米(2014年) 主要民族英格兰人、威尔士人、苏格兰人、爱尔兰人 主要宗教英国国教、天主教 国土面积 24.41万平方公里(包括内陆水域) 水域率 1.34% GDP总计 2.94万亿美元(2014年,国际汇率) 人均GDP 45603美元(2014年,国际汇率) 国际电话区号 +44 国际域名缩写 .uk 道路通行 靠左驾驶 国家格言 我权天授(天有上帝、我有权利) 国 花玫瑰 国 鸟 红胸鸟 法律体系英美法系 气候类型温带海洋性气候 组 成大不列颠岛、北爱尔兰 国 树夏栎 著名公司汇丰,渣打,壳牌,联合利华 著名赛道银石赛道 汽车赛事 BTCC英国房车锦标赛 最大城市伦敦 主要事件2012伦敦奥运会,英阿马岛战役 主要高等学府剑桥大学,牛津大学,帝国理工等公司拥有一支精干高效的专业业务人员,他们熟悉集装箱及各种特种箱的货物运输、熟悉保险、码头、海关、商检、船公司等方面业务知识。公司利用先进的专业化电脑管理方式,为客户办理进口FOB货物的运价查询、订舱、提单签发、运费结算、报关报验、进口换单、清关、送货一站式服务,对货物进行全程跟踪咨询服务。

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1.International import and export air cargo port to port, door to door services;
2.International import and export air customs clearance and transit, airport customs supervision warehouse storage services;
3.Customs queries and delivery services of air transportation documents;

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2016/4/10   |  分类:美丽舟海运
Group, belongs to COSCO South-China International Freight Co., Ltd. approved NVOCC by China Ministry of Commerce. relying on the COSCO South-China improve network coverage, operating in Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Hunan and Hong Kong, Macao's container shipping business. Since 2003, Protrans adhering to the state-owned enterprises has always been fine style under the guidance of the parent company fully flexible to adapt to the characteristics of the market, with competitive rates and service advantages, closely rely on the powerful liner COSCON transport and improve the strength of global agent network, the southern three-dimensional container transport service platform and establish a barge across the southern route network, integrated trucking, railway resources, smooth transport channels, with COSCO in Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Guangzhou Port trunk interface to transfer the goods all over the world for the Chinese export enterprises to provide high quality and reliable logistics services. We focus on safeguarding the interests of customers, with strict discipline and rules and norms of business behavior of employees, committed to the concept of coexistence and win-win customer's long-term cooperation and development.

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We always believe that excellent service comes from analyse customer’s requirement carefully. So our elaborated design of every service are all based on customer special requirement, chase the customer’s whole business development and upgrade cost benefit and fertility in making our projects. We handle ocean shipping, air-express from Zhujiang Delta to many large ports all over the world. We can consider many requirements from customer adequately, for example, book cabin, cargo insurance, Clear Customs, stock, delivery goods, handle files by computer and provide logistic information in time. The customer can be satisfied with our service when they cooperate with us. Booking sailing date, flight, FCL and LCL,reasonable cost, completed flight are all included in this business.还为客户提供完整的全程物流服务,包括物流整体方案策划和咨询、物流分发中心整体规划及运营管理,原材料与半成品的储存、配送、国际储运、货物代理、报关以及物流管理信息系统的设计和构建等一整套物流解决方案服务. 亚瑞国际货运 在海运、空运、陆运以及保税、仓储、报关、保险、拼箱集运等领域内有着成熟的业务网络和市场经验。...

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2016/4/4   |  分类:美丽舟报关服务
公司有一批训练有素,专业技能过硬,具有高度责任感的业务技术人员,以及各种先进的自动化作业设备。这一切都为我们更好的服务于客户打下了坚实的基础,尤其在进出口通关方面, 我们有一批专业的空运报关人员,具有熟练的报关专业知识,保证为客户代理方便,迅速,准确的报关业务。


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2016/4/3   |  分类:货代报关
(实力庄家)贸易账号自己账号,代理渠道自己下港打单。4月5号普货和敏感货报价更新,无变动,方便查阅,更多备注,香港DHL欧洲全区、美加墨70KG起27+U ,可走配套和内置电池,可走干电池和锂电池,移动电源,电子产品更优惠,2-4天递送 自己打单,随时出单号。 深圳美加墨大货 76KG-300 27+U 不排仓 深圳DHL代理原单转单小货大货全区价格自主制单 自公司成立以来,依颖达国际依靠科学的网格化管理,运用现代物流理念为客户提供物流规划、仓储、装卸、分销配送、信息处理等一体化服务,在竟争激烈的公路运输领域不断发展壮大,借助国内多家实力雄厚的运输公司专线形成了以深圳为中心,面对珠江三角洲,覆盖全国的货物配送网络,并在业内建立了良好的信誉和优质的客户关系。 ...

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Our company has a professional, high qualified and experienced team which have a good command in international shipping business. Moreover, there are many strong foreign agency cooperated with excellent reputation. Especially, we have the stable and high-quality partners such in Russia, South Korea, Indonesia, Singapore and Belarus, etc. in recent years. In this aspect, we improve the domestic and international network nicely and provide customers with the best and convenient global shipping services which depends on the stable cooperation relationship with foreign agency in these years. In this global shipping market environment that full of increasingly competition, our company take an important development strategy to meet customers’ needs, expand more professional service directions and new shipping lines and offer more value-added service. We strive to become the world’s best leading providers of integrated logistics services. Looking forward to the future, we have enough confidence and ability to build Sunhill to be the best logistics company in China which owns financial international logistics business philosophy, excellent management team and advanced technical expertise in one to provide the wide range of services to our customers through our ongoing efforts and innovation.以下报价仅供贵司内部参阅,请勿向外转发,多谢理解!

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