is a national freight forwarding company. After many years of business integrity, we have a close partnership with major domestic and foreign shipping companies and airlines to maintain, including, UASC, APL, MAERSK, COSCO, HANJIN, EVERGREEN, OOCL, CMA, NORASIA, MSC, CHINASHIPPING LUFTHANS , the ANA, the ATLANTIC, UNITED. View of the extensive co-operation with shipping companies and airlines, we can provide a more efficient, more accurate schedules and flight information, adequate accommodation, a more reasonable tariff, so that you get the highest quality at all the ports services. Around the world together with our hundreds of agents, a global network of service areas in the FOB, with an unparalleled advantage. 我司的优势航线为欧洲、中东、东南亚以及美国,与众多全球知名船公司有直接的合作关系,目前拥有固定客户2000余家,预计年出口代理集装箱30000TEU,年进口代理集装箱5000TEU。公司一直秉承“以服务赢取客户,以真诚凝聚员工,以网络发展企业”的经营理念,以“发展现代物流事业”为己任,以领先的服务优势和全国性的物流服务体系,务实求是、弘毅奋进,诚信为本、踏实进取,竭诚为世界各地广大客户提供“安全、快捷、经济、周到”的一流服务。...
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