整柜海运业务是鸿资的基础业务,以先进的信息技术和公司规范化的操作,提供从深港珠三角到日本关东关西基本港和所有偏港的整柜服务,公司整合日本航线的资源,保证了每周一到周六都有大船直航日本关东关西基本港,珠三角周一到周五都有船接驳到香港。同时我们还提供优质的服务平台,及订舱 、拖车、报关、 仓储、 保险、 配送为一体,让客户充分的体会到我们的专业服务。除此之外鸿资还在海运拼箱上经验丰富,我们以深港为中心、在广州、佛山、中山、江门、顺德、珠海,汕头等多个码头有自己的仓库收货,目的港代理遍及日本各地,在东京、横滨、大阪、神户、名古屋、新泻、门司、博多、清水设有仓库,可做DDU/DDP及一条龙式服务,拥有低廉的价格和丰富的经验。...
Costa Rica拼箱
2017/4/11 | 分类:海运拼箱
秉承不断创新、持续发展的经营理念,在海运、空运、通关服务、展览运输、项目与工程物流、保税物流、仓储管理、物流配送、物流增值服务、资金流服务、贸易协同平台(TCS)及供应链管理等领域异军突起。为了给客户提供更加专业和精细化的服务,海程邦达建立了先进的物流信息协作平台,实现了物流供应链各环节的无缝对接。We provide a wide variety of services for sea freight shipment to satisfy every conceivable business need like full container loads (FCL), less-than-container loads (LCL), and cargo consolidation. Our solid network covers the major ports of trade in Europe, East Mediterranean, West Mediterranean, the USA, and North Africa. This extensive network makes it possible for us to facilitate the flow of your goods from the point of origin and to the point of delivery by sea on a worldwide basis. The possession of full and modern sea freight facilities is one of the characteristics of our company. By means of them, we are able to manage the entire ocean forwarding process most reliably and efficiently for our clients.