2012/7/31 | 分类:货代货运代理 | 标签: | views
whose former name was Guangzhou Baiyun ZhanYe Air Cargo Service Company. It was developed decade years in this industry, which owned 5 million turnover from initial investment capital 500 thousand until now. The company strategic get consummate gradually and own stable customers. We are positively exploiting the new management method out of traditional way. Our business offer diversified transportation solutions to you from domestic to aboard, the strategy of us are providing professional solution to our good customers. There are component of multi-sectors setting: finance & account dept, human resource dept, marketing dept, customer service dept, operation dept, international trade development detp.经营保税仓储、监管运输、报关、国际国内联运、货运代理、仓储分拨、国际国内贸易现代物流企业,具有国家授予的进出口代理权、国际进出口货运代理(一类)资质,拥有完善的国内外物流网络,可以为您提供优质的进出口报关、商检、国际国内运输、仓储、配送等一条龙的完善物流服务,全国各大口岸均可顺利通关,收费合理低廉,服务规范高效。公司总部位于外高桥保税区,分部遍布全国各地,得天独厚的地理位置,为我们安排便捷可靠的运输服务提供了便利条件。