
加勒比货代公司 加勒比海运公司

2012/11/16  |  分类:海运空运  |  标签:加勒比    |   views
become a leading player in the air freight service sector. For many years in the past, EASEA has always adhered to its road of diversified kinds of business services and cost-efficient import & export air freight services, thus to gain a lot of favorable comments from its clients. We have undertaken handling of varied kinds of cargoes and freights, including clothes, electronic spare parts, fresh & live food stuffs, fragile articles and valuable commodities, as well as heavy-duty and large sized machinery and equipment etc. especially for frozen food cargo.

Based on its long years of practical experience and sound business creditworthiness set up in the industry, EASEA has maintained good relations and close contacts with quite a number of world class airlines, and thus received generous supports from them, so as to ensure to get adequate shipping berth in these airlines to transport cargo for clients. In such a way, customers could access solid benefits from our quality services, and are able to enjoy the minimum transportation costs but plus world-class air freight services. 进出口辅助业务
1、贸易代理:我司可为无进出口企业经营权的公司提供进出口贸易代理业务,为您提供安全可信的出口核销单以便您进出口报关。同时,我公司代理提供原产地证(CO),FORM A,FORM E,熏蒸证,植检证,各国大使馆认证书等全套进出口相关单据,费用低廉,简单快捷,可在两日内出单。
3、保税区业务,提供报税区转口以及“一日游”业务,货物进区视同出口实现退税和核销手册。 我司主要从事国际集装箱及散杂特货海运 、空运 、多式联运进出口货物及内贸集装箱海运、陆运的国际国内运输代理业务。包括租船、订舱 、仓储 、中转 、拼箱、拆箱、 进出口报关、 报验、 保险、代理签单及相关的货运代理业务并且为国内外客户提供专业的整套物流方案。




