container cargo, bulk cargo

2014/12/17  |  分类:美丽舟空运  |  标签:  |   views
拥有职业化程度高、专业化技能强高效高素质团队,凭借对货运行业资深专业地探究,时时掌握货运行业前沿动向,配以先进的物流操作系统,为客人提供优质便捷的物流服务。公司与航空公司、船务公司、港口码头、海关等部门实行联网操作,实现进出口报关报检EDI 无纸化运作,第一时间了解货物的流通状态,准确及时做出快速反应,赢得时间,赢得主动。
完美的物流,完美的选择我司具有强大且严谨的操作体系。公司拥有高素质管理人员,经验丰富的专业操作队伍,先进的计算机处理系统。从报价、订舱、接载、报关、制单、提供二程信息、货物追踪、签发空运 与海运提单、及进口清关、提货、陆路运输均由专人专岗负责,与仓库、海关、各地分公司、办事处、国外代理公司之间各环节的衔接全部依靠计算机网络沟通。公司管理人员密切关注整体运作,时刻检查各环节是否符合操作规程,无论您的货物需要运到何地,迅速、可靠永远是我们的追求,您都能享受到"环迅国际"的优质服务。Our company offers the following range of services for your reference:

★ international air transport, international express (DHL / UPS / TNT / FedEx ...)

★ International Shipping (container cargo, bulk cargo)

★ professional agent import and export customs clearance, commodity inspection, fumigation, insurance, certificate of origin ...

★ exhibits, valuables, personal belongings, the international transport of dangerous goods

★ sea and air transport and matching a variety of modes of transport door to door service

★ Shenzhen-Hong Kong round-trip ground transportation, delivery (carpool, tons of cars, trailers), monitoring vehicles, domestic shipping ...

★ in the world has its own agent network, for delivery in the destination and customs clearance can be paid.



