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International Port of Willmington

2015/10/19  |  分类:海运拼箱  |  标签:  |   views
International Maritime
Shanghai CH International Logistics Co.,Ltd. with Chinese and foreign ship companies established stable cooperation relations, is home to more than shipping companies booking agent, enjoy the shipping freight forwarding agency, able to give customers a more personalized service. My company has a worldwide agent network, t to provide customers with global ports and related inland freight services.. Our routes advantages include Southeast Asia, Africa, Japan, Korea, Europe, t India and Pakistan, India, Australia, America and so on, with many shipping companies to maintain good relations of cooperation, has a strong foreign agent network.洛杉矶港(Port of Los Angeles) 莫比尔港(Port of Mobile)
新罕布什尔港(New Hampshire Port Autority) 塔科马港(Port of Tacoma)
威尔明顿港(Port of Willmington) 奥克兰港(Port of Oakland)
斯托克顿港(Port of Stockton) 圣路易斯港(St. Louis Port Authority)
亚瑟港(Port of Port Arthur) 波特兰港(Port of Portland)
圣保罗港(The Saint Paul Port Authority) 圣地亚哥港(Port of San Diego)
西雅图港(Port of Seattle) 纽约-新泽西港(Port Authority of New York and New Jersey)



