2016/4/27 | 分类:海运空运 | 标签: | views
一、出口报关企业应具备在当地海关、检验检疫局注册备案,有进出口经营权和报检资格。 二、出口报关所需单证: 1.客户就在货物运抵海关监管区后,装货的24小时之前,备齐海关所需单证向海关申报。 2.必备单证:清单、发票、合同、核销单、报关委托书、船公司装货单等单证件各一份。 3.按海关税则所规定的各项证件。(如通关单、出口许可证等) 4.有出口手册需提供手册报关。 三、出口报检所需单证: 1.客户应在报关之日前三天备齐所需单证,向检验检疫局申报。提供单证有:清单发票、合同、报检委托书、厂检单、纸箱包装单等证件各一份。 2.出口货物到美国、澳大利亚、加拿大、欧盟等外包装为木制的需做熏蒸或热处理的,客户所提供的单证有:清单、发票、合同、报检委托书。如熏蒸产品是木制品,还需提供厂检单。 3.做熏蒸或热处理的产品,客户应在报关前两天,将货物运抵到指定的堆场或港区进行熏蒸。(熏蒸时间需24小时) Being adjacent to world-famous ports in Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hong Kong, we benefit from the geographic location in the Pearl River Delta region. A tight network composed of major well-established airlines and more than 30 shipping service companies enables us to acquire sufficient freight space and achieve competitive and reasonable prices.
Asia, eastern Europe, North America, South America, and Africa QHL
Asia, Western Europe, North America
Asia, Western Europe
East Asia, South Asia, North America
Asia, Europe, North America, South America, and Africa
Asia, eastern Europe, North America, South America, and Africa QHL
Asia, Western Europe, North America
Asia, Western Europe
East Asia, South Asia, North America
Asia, Europe, North America, South America, and Africa