2016/6/5 | 分类:美丽舟报关服务 | 标签:出口 | views
We have more than 80 trucks for containers. By advanced network we can offer accurate dynamic information of cargo loading. Whenever you give the order, our trucks will be duly available in any place you hope. We assure that your goods be faithfully delivered to your clients' hands in the demanded time. Whenever you hope to inquire about the trucking information, our GPS orientation system will exactly tell you the current location.
We are also specialized in truck transportation between Shenzhen and Hongkong. We have 30 container trailer with both mainland and HK license and HK trucks varying from 3T to 15T.(The vehicles may pass 3 ports in Shenzhen.) The local team in Hongkong consists of 8 vehicles so that we can help with the local transport in HK, bulk-cargo handling, warehousing and pick-up. We have a large bulkload warehouse both in New Territories and Shenzhen so that we can provide clients professional storage and transhipment service.广东从事国际快递和国际货代理业务知名企业之一。我们与世界著名国际快递公司如美国联合包裹运送服务有限公司(UPS)、DHL、TNT建立了合法的代理关系并和世界多家著名航空公司建立长期的合作关系。公司的主营业务包括全球国际快递服务,国际空运进出口业务、国际客户综合物流项目,大客户物流方案设计,中港运输及报关业务,海关国际快件监管中心管理及服务等多项专业服务.公司自成立之日起至今已先后在广州、深圳、莆田等大中城市设立了多家全资子公司或控股分公司。舜邦国际拥有一大批从事国际快递、进出口货物报关、航空货物运输资深经验的专业人士以及良好的管理与资源网络,凭借其独有的竞争优势,获得了国际知名大公司的青睐,成功争取到了IBM、Apple, Foxconn、DHL 等公司的物流关务外包项目。
We are also specialized in truck transportation between Shenzhen and Hongkong. We have 30 container trailer with both mainland and HK license and HK trucks varying from 3T to 15T.(The vehicles may pass 3 ports in Shenzhen.) The local team in Hongkong consists of 8 vehicles so that we can help with the local transport in HK, bulk-cargo handling, warehousing and pick-up. We have a large bulkload warehouse both in New Territories and Shenzhen so that we can provide clients professional storage and transhipment service.广东从事国际快递和国际货代理业务知名企业之一。我们与世界著名国际快递公司如美国联合包裹运送服务有限公司(UPS)、DHL、TNT建立了合法的代理关系并和世界多家著名航空公司建立长期的合作关系。公司的主营业务包括全球国际快递服务,国际空运进出口业务、国际客户综合物流项目,大客户物流方案设计,中港运输及报关业务,海关国际快件监管中心管理及服务等多项专业服务.公司自成立之日起至今已先后在广州、深圳、莆田等大中城市设立了多家全资子公司或控股分公司。舜邦国际拥有一大批从事国际快递、进出口货物报关、航空货物运输资深经验的专业人士以及良好的管理与资源网络,凭借其独有的竞争优势,获得了国际知名大公司的青睐,成功争取到了IBM、Apple, Foxconn、DHL 等公司的物流关务外包项目。