2011/9/16 | 分类:美丽舟报关服务 | 标签: | views
港口中文名: 布宜诺斯艾利斯
港口代码: ARBUE
港口缩写: BNA
经纬度: 34 ° 40'0"S,58 ° 22'0"W
时差: +3:00
锚地: 35-10-00S 56-15-00W
泊位吃水: 9.9
海图号: 1751
港口类型: Deepwater Seaport
港口大小: Large
港务局: Administracion General de Puertos
地址: Buenos Aires
电话: (54) 11 4342-1727
邮件: institucionales@puertobuenosaires.gov.ar
网址: www.puertobuenosaires.gov.ar
FUEL:AVAILABLE BY BARGE DRY DOCKS:LARGEST:180.00M (590.00 FT) x 22.10M (92.00 FT), DRAFT LIMIT 20.00 FT 阿根廷商港。位于该国中部东海岸,临拉布拉塔河湾,港市之东北。东距蒙得维的亚125海里,至开普敦港3720海里,东北至里约热内卢港1150海里,西南至布兰卡港510海里,至麦哲伦海峡彭塔河雷纳斯港1370海里。港区沿海岸南北伸展,又分北、中、南三个港区。北港区又称新港区,由陆岸向东伸展6座突堤,外有防波堤保护,船舶由北港与中港之间的北航道入港,港内有A、B、C、D、E五个港池,A 港池长365米,宽140米,周边岸线870米,可停靠泊五艘中型客、货船;B港池用于杂货,北岸长525米,南岸464米,宽151米,可停靠7艘大、中型货船;C港池北岸495米,南岸585米,宽175米,亦可靠七艘大、中型船舶,北岸3个泊位常用谷物装卸;D港池北岸495米,宽194米,南岸用于谷物装卸,北岸用于集装箱船;E港池宽194米,北岸长495米,用于装煤,南岸长585米,用于装卸水果和杂货;各突堤顶端长100-523米不等,亦可靠船。北港区码头线总长7267米,30多个泊位,是全港最现代化港区,码头上装卸设备良好。南港区在该港之南,里亚丘埃洛河河口,船舶由南航道入港,又有一区、二区、液化煤气港池、危险品港池和东港池等几个部分。中港区又叫马德罗港,是连接南北港区之间的内陆水域,又有南北港池和1、2、3、4号坞式港池,船舶由南北港区航道入港。全港约有50来个泊位,年吞吐量2500万吨以上,占全国外贸出口的一半、进口的60%,输出肉类、谷物、皮革、木材等。
Port History
Buenos Aires was founded in 1536 by a Spanish expedition, but the settlement was destroyed by local Indians. Survivors escaped to the fort at Asuncion. In 1580, Juan de Garay refounded Nuestra Senora Santa Maria del Buen Aire. Settlers harvested new generations of farm animals left by the first European inhabitants.
The Port of Buenos Aires grew slowly over the next 200 years. A good port, it was not favored by Spanish royalty who preferred Lima as their official port. The residents of Buenos Aires, called porteños, thrived. By the early 1700s, they were exporting grain, cattle hides, and dried beef throughout Argentina, Brazil, and the Caribbean.
In 1810, the porteños declared independence from Spain. In 1880, the Port of Buenos Aires was made the federal capital for the nation. After 1850, capital from Britain and labor from Spain and Italy led the country to become one of the world's largest agricultural exporters. Then immigrants from Eastern Europe and Germany arrived, further changing the city's character.
After World War I, money poured into the city. The ruling elite decided to transform it into the 揚aris of South America,?building a subway system and many broad avenues. The infrastructure constructed at that time remains, and today's city infrastructure suffers severe strain.
After 1930, migrants from the interior arrived to meet labor needs, creating an underclass of mestizo Argentines who founded shanty towns in the suburbs. This underclass has exacerbated the city's problems. Urban poverty, combined with aging infrastructure, continues to present difficult challenges for the country into the 21st Century.
Port Commerce
The Port of Buenos Aires is South America's largest, but port facilities are old and inefficient. Serious improvement proposals have met with little success. The Port of Buenos Aires has five terminals for container, bulk, general cargo, and passengers. Terminals 1 and 2 offer 2800 acres, almost 900 yards of berth at a depth of 32 feet, and annual capacity of almost 480 thousand TEUs. Terminal 3 offers about 1600 acres, 640 yards of berths at a depth of 32 feet, and annual capacity of 120 thousand TEUs. Terminal 5 offers about 2400 acres, about 540 yards of berths at a depth of 32 feet, and annual capacity of 450 thousand TEUs. In 1998, the Port of Buenos Aires handled about 1.2 million TEUs of cargo.
Cruising and Travel
Opened in 2001, Terminal 4 is the city's passenger terminal. It's about a half-mile from the city center. World travelers voted the Port of Buenos Aires the second most desirable city to visit after Florence, Italy. Still the Paris of South America, the Port of Buenos Aires has a European look and feel and a variety of cultural attractions and shopping opportunities. San Telmo is a quaint and popular neighborhood from the colonial era that attracts many tourists every year. Many popular cruise lines stop at the Port of Buenos Aires every year to deliver tourists for city visits or on stop-overs before Antarctica. Among those are Silversea, Costa Cruceros, Cunardline, Royal Caribbean, Mediterranean Shipping Cruises, Carnival, and Celebrity-Cruises. Terminal 4 is also a multi-purpose terminal designed to handle cargo like machinery, steel pipes, steel plates, heavy lifts, fruits, paper, livestock, bulk and project cargo.
化工品/危险品国际海运:承接3,4,5,6,8,9类危险品,有丰富的危险品国际海运经验, 并和CMA、MSK、ZIM、WANHAI、CSCL、KMTC …等各个船公司有良好的海运合作, 主要出口到中东印巴,欧洲,地中海,美国,东南亚等。
港口代码: ARBUE
港口缩写: BNA
经纬度: 34 ° 40'0"S,58 ° 22'0"W
时差: +3:00
锚地: 35-10-00S 56-15-00W
泊位吃水: 9.9
海图号: 1751
港口类型: Deepwater Seaport
港口大小: Large
港务局: Administracion General de Puertos
地址: Buenos Aires
电话: (54) 11 4342-1727
邮件: institucionales@puertobuenosaires.gov.ar
网址: www.puertobuenosaires.gov.ar
FUEL:AVAILABLE BY BARGE DRY DOCKS:LARGEST:180.00M (590.00 FT) x 22.10M (92.00 FT), DRAFT LIMIT 20.00 FT 阿根廷商港。位于该国中部东海岸,临拉布拉塔河湾,港市之东北。东距蒙得维的亚125海里,至开普敦港3720海里,东北至里约热内卢港1150海里,西南至布兰卡港510海里,至麦哲伦海峡彭塔河雷纳斯港1370海里。港区沿海岸南北伸展,又分北、中、南三个港区。北港区又称新港区,由陆岸向东伸展6座突堤,外有防波堤保护,船舶由北港与中港之间的北航道入港,港内有A、B、C、D、E五个港池,A 港池长365米,宽140米,周边岸线870米,可停靠泊五艘中型客、货船;B港池用于杂货,北岸长525米,南岸464米,宽151米,可停靠7艘大、中型货船;C港池北岸495米,南岸585米,宽175米,亦可靠七艘大、中型船舶,北岸3个泊位常用谷物装卸;D港池北岸495米,宽194米,南岸用于谷物装卸,北岸用于集装箱船;E港池宽194米,北岸长495米,用于装煤,南岸长585米,用于装卸水果和杂货;各突堤顶端长100-523米不等,亦可靠船。北港区码头线总长7267米,30多个泊位,是全港最现代化港区,码头上装卸设备良好。南港区在该港之南,里亚丘埃洛河河口,船舶由南航道入港,又有一区、二区、液化煤气港池、危险品港池和东港池等几个部分。中港区又叫马德罗港,是连接南北港区之间的内陆水域,又有南北港池和1、2、3、4号坞式港池,船舶由南北港区航道入港。全港约有50来个泊位,年吞吐量2500万吨以上,占全国外贸出口的一半、进口的60%,输出肉类、谷物、皮革、木材等。
Port History
Buenos Aires was founded in 1536 by a Spanish expedition, but the settlement was destroyed by local Indians. Survivors escaped to the fort at Asuncion. In 1580, Juan de Garay refounded Nuestra Senora Santa Maria del Buen Aire. Settlers harvested new generations of farm animals left by the first European inhabitants.
The Port of Buenos Aires grew slowly over the next 200 years. A good port, it was not favored by Spanish royalty who preferred Lima as their official port. The residents of Buenos Aires, called porteños, thrived. By the early 1700s, they were exporting grain, cattle hides, and dried beef throughout Argentina, Brazil, and the Caribbean.
In 1810, the porteños declared independence from Spain. In 1880, the Port of Buenos Aires was made the federal capital for the nation. After 1850, capital from Britain and labor from Spain and Italy led the country to become one of the world's largest agricultural exporters. Then immigrants from Eastern Europe and Germany arrived, further changing the city's character.
After World War I, money poured into the city. The ruling elite decided to transform it into the 揚aris of South America,?building a subway system and many broad avenues. The infrastructure constructed at that time remains, and today's city infrastructure suffers severe strain.
After 1930, migrants from the interior arrived to meet labor needs, creating an underclass of mestizo Argentines who founded shanty towns in the suburbs. This underclass has exacerbated the city's problems. Urban poverty, combined with aging infrastructure, continues to present difficult challenges for the country into the 21st Century.
Port Commerce
The Port of Buenos Aires is South America's largest, but port facilities are old and inefficient. Serious improvement proposals have met with little success. The Port of Buenos Aires has five terminals for container, bulk, general cargo, and passengers. Terminals 1 and 2 offer 2800 acres, almost 900 yards of berth at a depth of 32 feet, and annual capacity of almost 480 thousand TEUs. Terminal 3 offers about 1600 acres, 640 yards of berths at a depth of 32 feet, and annual capacity of 120 thousand TEUs. Terminal 5 offers about 2400 acres, about 540 yards of berths at a depth of 32 feet, and annual capacity of 450 thousand TEUs. In 1998, the Port of Buenos Aires handled about 1.2 million TEUs of cargo.
Cruising and Travel
Opened in 2001, Terminal 4 is the city's passenger terminal. It's about a half-mile from the city center. World travelers voted the Port of Buenos Aires the second most desirable city to visit after Florence, Italy. Still the Paris of South America, the Port of Buenos Aires has a European look and feel and a variety of cultural attractions and shopping opportunities. San Telmo is a quaint and popular neighborhood from the colonial era that attracts many tourists every year. Many popular cruise lines stop at the Port of Buenos Aires every year to deliver tourists for city visits or on stop-overs before Antarctica. Among those are Silversea, Costa Cruceros, Cunardline, Royal Caribbean, Mediterranean Shipping Cruises, Carnival, and Celebrity-Cruises. Terminal 4 is also a multi-purpose terminal designed to handle cargo like machinery, steel pipes, steel plates, heavy lifts, fruits, paper, livestock, bulk and project cargo.
化工品/危险品国际海运:承接3,4,5,6,8,9类危险品,有丰富的危险品国际海运经验, 并和CMA、MSK、ZIM、WANHAI、CSCL、KMTC …等各个船公司有良好的海运合作, 主要出口到中东印巴,欧洲,地中海,美国,东南亚等。